Trustpilot 4.5 van 5 sterren
4.5/5 Amazing 829+ reviews
"You can really taste the difference with this honey. It’s fresh and full of flavor. I’ll never buy the cheap stuff again." Yousef A.
Asal Bee

رويال رازقي زبيب - 16 أونصة

$34.99 USD
$34.99 USD

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- الزبيب يعالج الانتفاخ والحموضة

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- يعالج الزبيب مشاكل العقم


دعونا نلقي نظرة مفصلة على ما يجب أن تقدمه هذه "القطرات الصغيرة من الجنة" من حيث العناصر الغذائية ، في القسم أدناه - 1 كوب من الزبيب (165 جرام - معبأة):

السعرات الحرارية - 508

البروتينات - 3.0 جم

دهون - 0.5 جم

الكربوهيدرات - 123.1 جم

الألياف - 11.2 جم

الكالسيوم - 40.60 جم

حديد - 3.76 ملجم

مغنيسيوم - 43.50 ملجم

البوتاسيوم - 1196.25 ملجم

فيتامين ج - 7.83 ملجم

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  • Delivery Time: Orders are delivered within 2-3 business days.
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Your satisfaction is our priority, and we're here to help if something doesn't meet your expectations.

رويال رازقي زبيب - 16 أونصة
$34.99 USD


Show your clients' thoughts
Fatima A.

"I’m so impressed with this honey. It tastes so pure, and you can tell it comes from a good source. Perfect for tea!"

Amina K.

"I’ve never tasted honey this good. It’s so rich and pure, nothing like the store brands. I’m so glad I found this!"

Layla H.

"This honey is amazing. It’s smooth, sweet, and tastes so natural. You won’t find anything like this in the supermarket."

Noor Z.Customer

"The taste of this honey is so natural and fresh. It reminds me of the honey my grandmother used to get."

Zainab A.

"I use this honey every day in my skincare routine. It’s natural and works wonders for my skin!"

Salma A.

"I’m so happy with my purchase. The honey tastes fresh, and I feel like I’m treating myself to something special."

Ahmed B.

"It’s hard to find pure honey like this. The flavor is amazing, and it feels good knowing it’s not full of additives."

Hiba T.

"This honey pairs so well with cheese and crackers. I never thought I’d enjoy honey this much!"

Noura S.

This is my go-to honey for all my cooking. It adds the perfect amount of sweetness without being too heavy."